
Sheryl Crow

Sheryl Crow left Las Vegas, lyrically at least, in her hit song 20 years ago. She left Los Angeles, too, and eight years later is happily living outside Nashville, where she talked about love, family and music with Good Housekeeping.

Crow, whose exes include cyclist Lance Armstrong, actor Owen Wilson and musician Eric Clapton, reflected on her place in high-profile relationships.

"I had always gone out with guys who were highly successful, which would seem like it would put me at an equal level," the 52-year-old singer said. "But what ends up happening is that one of you becomes smaller and it was always me. It's always the woman. I mean, I don't know if it's always the woman, but I do think that sometimes in order for one person's light to shine, everyone else has to dim theirs."

For the most part, the past hasn't dimmed her outlook on settling down.

"I would love to get married. I'm still old-fashioned," Crow said. But I don't think marriage is the be-all and end-all." But, she joked, "It's better to have three broken engagements than three divorces."

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Crow also discussed her sons, Wyatt, 7, and Levi, 4, who she adopted in 2007 and 2010.

"They understand that they came out of different tummies. But they also believe, as do I, that God put us together," Crow said. "They know how blessed I am to get to be their mommy. So when they're mad that I won't let them play video games, I say, 'God put me in charge. I'm raising you-all the best that I can, and some decisions are not fun.'"

The pop-rock star turned toward country last September with the release of "Feels Like Home," and with numerous albums, tours and Grammy Awards under her belt, offered her take on the state of the music industry.

"It's hard to be a woman in music today," Crow said. "There's so much sex that's projected, and that's a bummer. These singers talk about how empowering it is, but a good musician who can command the stage doesn't have to rely on sex to sell her music."

There's more of Crow to see if you check out her Instagram feed.

She's riding horses ...

water skiing ...

performing with legends like Kris Kristofferson ...

and being a tourist in London, among other things.

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